When a TRAIT becomes a TRAITOR

One of the things I really like about Lumina Spark is how practically applicable it is. I’m constantly finding examples of other models and training tools that sync up with the mandala in a useful and interesting way. At the last Lumina qualification I watched a...

Elements of Inspiration

I recently had a long conversation with our copywriter Joshua about a book we have on the shelves at the Inspiration Factory. The work in question is The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, and I strongly suspect that many of our business partners...

White paper ideas

We’ve got our thinking caps on around The Inspiration Factory. We’ve started work on some white papers, designed to help us share Lumina Spark more effectively with different audiences. If they turn out to be useful tools for us we’re considering sharing them for...

Out-Of-Office? Outsource!

At last week’s Effortless Inbox workshop (which was a great success, thank you to everyone who attended), we briefly discussed the Out Of Office assistant that comes with many email providers. This nifty little gadget is basically an answerphone for your email; if...

Building the A-Team

I’ve been taking the tube a lot recently and so I keep seeing Vodafone’s new ad campaign splashed all over the walls. The tagline is “There is a better way to build your business,” and in the adverts various office-types are being subjected to what are obviously...

More musings on simplicity and streamlining

I recently tweeted some email tips from Merlin Mann, the chap behind ‘Inbox Zero’ and an influence on our own Effortless Inbox time-management sessions (what do you mean, you don’t follow us on twitter? @INSPIRErational). Mann’s tips are really good and they got me...