My excuse for not wearing a watch is that the time is always on my phone, and so am I. In truth it is partly because, as a fashion statement, my wife rules them out. The only timepiece she ever considered suitable was a futuristic monstrosity from Cyberdog that would have left me looking like an extra from Mad Max (and required a remortgage to finance).

While in my early career my watch helped me overcome a propensity for lateness, my adapted behaviour now compensates for this well. Also since a wonderful exercise during The Est Training in 1985, I have known about my own internal clock and my ability to “intuitively” know almost exactly what the time is. I still like to have a clock openly visible in my training rooms, particularly if I can use it to check my intuitive sense of time.

This week I stumbled across an interesting question, and I am being forced by my curiosity to explore further. In a flash of inspiration while training a group of emerging leaders in a UK Radio business, while introducing one of my favourite topics, speed reading (people, not books), a thought occurred. Is wearing a watch a good “marker” for a personality preference.

A we had 20 in the room, 9 wearing watches, I had an instant chance to test my rapidly emerging theory, is there a preference to wearing watches amongst those who are more Discipline Driven (or Judging in the MBTI language). The result of this poll was quite overwhelming, 8 or the 9 claimed a strong J / DD preference. And interestingly the last one claimed that she wore a watch for another reason (as a fashion statement) – maybe a marker for Extraversion???

As a group of radio executives is hardly a robust sample, my friend, stato king, and strategic guru, John Cohen ( has helped me put together a mildly robust online survey at Will you take it or post here to help find out the truth about watches and personality?
